I heard the timer. I'll get it as soon as I finish this, I thought. Obviously, scrolling through Pinterest is way more important than the eggs boiling on the stove.
The next thing I hear....BOOM!
All of the water had evaporated causing one of the eggs to explode.
I hear His soft, gentle whisper. But obviously, whatever I'm doing at the moment is more important than what He is telling me to do, right?
If I don't heed His voice, He will eventually get my attention. BOOM!
Whatever I'm trying to get done on my own will explode. I turn and finally obey His commands.
Why does it take an explosion? Why don't we heed His voice the first time?
We would end up with such a beautiful, perfect product instead of burned, dry eggs!
Psalm 32:8
I will instruct you and teach you in the way you should go; I will counsel you with my eye upon you